Friday, July 27, 2007


Sunday 24th June
We unrepentantly spent a day in the local shopping centre, the only reason I feel the need to mention this is that we could leave the boys in a special play area with a carer for free for 1 hour! How fantastic is that and of course we didn’t leave them there – are you kidding? We practically shoved the kids inside and then did a runner, well the kids weren’t exactly waving tearfully as we ran off, parents? What parents? As is always the case 1-hour sped by but we did manage to do what we wanted without being stressed and the boys had a good time playing. In the shopping centre there is also a bouncy castle with a slide; this was free too. What a fantastic service for families.

Tuesday 26th June
We take the caravan into Zagreb to get the water heater fitted. Our idea was to leave the caravan there and take the boys to the zoo for the day. This was not to be however, despite booking the caravan in for 10am there were a lot of other people they needed to attend to. Basically we had to stay with the caravan and didn’t leave until 3pm.

Wednesday 27th June
During breakfast the police arrive because someone’s car has been broken into, it turns out someone else had something stolen as well. Although we should really be remaining in Zagreb to have the car fixed we decide it is only a matter of time before something happens to us. So within 5 minutes we have not only decided to pack up and leave Zagreb, sadly without seeing the old city, but also to head to Austria.

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