Monday, February 26, 2007



23rd January – Lake Garda, Italy

We were given a thunderous welcome by Italy with lightning, hailstones and torrential rain for a good three hours driving. The many tunnels were a relief from the deafening noise. I’m sure the scenery would have been breathtaking and dramatic but frankly little could be seen beyond the rain. We arrived in Lake Garda in the freezing cold and fog, the campsite manager was most surprised that we wanted to stay 10 days and also spoke very little English, we only know Ciao and Gracie in Italian so the communication was very much as if we were playing charades.

So the day we arrived was very wet, the second day was extremely windy and we were all dressed up as if we were in the artic before we went out for a walk along the lake, the lake was just 50 m away. After ½ hour walking along the stony beach Max ran down a slip way and promptly fell in the lake. So it was with soggy wet trousers that we marched back to the campsite. The following day was misty and it seemed to be snowing on the mountains and spotting slightly down by the lake.

The subsequent days have been sunny, clear and cold. One of these lazy days we decided to visit a castle at the southern most tip of the lake, situated at the end of a 7km peninsula. It was a 13th century castle with a filled moat and the boys again enjoyed walking the ramparts not noticing the different architecture to the other castles visited, honestly what philistines we have bred! One of the best features of this place was the medieval boat that was little more than a hollowed out tree trunk, this was used to carry people and goods across the lake. We had a walk around the town and were suitably impressed by the outlet from the natural thermal spring that spilled boiling water, heavily scented with Sulphur, into the lake.

I have to say I have been thoroughly shown up for what I am, an unfashionable scruff! The Italian men and women were all enjoying the castle and town in their finery. All were dressed immaculately and with great style. Hair was perfect, the outfits were all coordinated, flawlessly complimenting the bearer and that was just the men! They all were the height of fashion and sophistication. Even the children were spotlessly clean and well turned out. Heaven knows what they thought of our little band as we trooped around.

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