Monday, January 08, 2007


New Years Day – Evora, Portugal

New Years Eve went with a bang in Evora, with many fireworks and lots of singing and shouting. We on the other hand were trying to sleep! OK, OK, we may be travelling Europe and be minus all the responsibilities we used to have but we still have 3 small children who wish to be up at the crack of dawn! So no we didn’t attempt to stay up until midnight to drink in the new year, although as luck would have it we were kindly woken by fire crackers being let off not more than 50 feet away from the caravan, so we were awake for the new year after all.

The following day we went to a park in Evora, it was surprisingly big, quiet and tranquil… until we arrived. Most of it was within the town walls and you could walk along the top admiring the views and the blooming cacti that were abundant. There was also a large play park to entertain the kids as well as peacocks and some old ruins. A hot chocolate later, this is becoming a habit and we meandered back through the cobbled streets.

Didn’t do much else for the other days but we are back to Spain tomorrow in a determined effort to get back across Spain to the east coast and make our way to France.

Once we get to France we are not too sure of our route but we have a couple of options to investigate. Watch this space…

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